DSF® technology delivers 5-15% efficiency gains in passenger vehicles
How 动态跳跃火灾 (DSF®)工作
DSF根据每个事件动态地跳过或点燃单个汽缸,以满足发动机所要求的扭矩. 通过使用专利算法仔细控制燃烧事件的数量和顺序, engine operation occurs near peak efficiency, creating a software-controlled variable displacement engine. 森林舞会游戏的算法避免了噪音和振动的产生,在所有驾驶条件下都能给司机提供预期的改进水平.
DSF® in real world situations
When high torque is needed, DSF® activates all cylinders.
As torque demand moderates, cylinders are dynamically skipped based on demand.
在较慢的速度下, maximum fuel efficiency is maintained by skipping more cylinders, even skipping all cylinders during deceleration.
How DSF is implemented
Software in Engine Control Module
Cylinder 失活 Hardware
森林舞会游戏’s DSF works with most deactivation valvetrains
DSF relies on individual cylinder deactivation. 每个钢瓶着火或漏火需要由能够停用的进气阀和排气阀控制.
Valve deactivation can be through hydraulic or electromechanical means.
森林舞会游戏 has developed one of the “essential technologies
for reaching fuel efficiency mandates”
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Diesel 动态跳跃火灾
动态跳跃火灾 for Diesel Engines (dDSF™)使Diesel发动机既清洁又环保
How Diesel 动态跳跃火灾 (dDSF™)工作
森林舞会游戏的dDSF技术使用专利算法仔细控制Diesel发动机中燃烧事件的数量和顺序,以确保发动机在接近峰值效率的情况下运行. Due to the higher cylinder load, dDSF还可以提高废气温度,以继续保持后处理系统处于工作温度, especially under low-load conditions.
dDSF™ in real world situations
When high torque is needed, dDSFTM activates all cylinders.
As torque demand moderates, cylinders are dynamically skipped based on demand.
在较慢的速度下, maximum fuel efficiency is maintained by skipping more cylinders, even skipping all cylinders during deceleration.
同时公司2 也没有x benefits from optimal combustion
and greater conversion efficiency
也没有x 减少
dDSF通过以最有效的空气燃料比发射所有事件来提高燃油效率, allowing optimal combustion at all engine output levels.
Conversion Efficiency
汽缸停用可减少发动机过量气流,提高排气温度. 这样可以更有效地转化催化剂中的污染物并减少NOx - at the same aftertreatment system cost.
Test results show 74% NOx 和5% CO2 减少
Results shown are mapped for appropriate firing densities. 涡轮出口温度的改善是显著的,允许有效的后处理控制.
Valve Train 失活 Mechanizations for Diesel Engines
全球对重型DieselNO的监管越来越严格X 和有限公司2 排放. dDSF simultaneously reduces NOX 和有限公司2 排放 at a low cost.
森林舞会游戏 has developed one of the essential technologies
for reaching fuel efficiency mandates
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混合+ +
混合+ +是如何工作的
混合+ + is a simplified, patented all-cylinder deactivation controls technology, 适用于P0或P1轻度Hybrid汽车,以实现协同燃油效率的提高和显著的有毒气体排放的减少.
混合+ +™ in real world situations
解除油门踏板导致所有气缸停用,使更多的恢复. No air pumped into the exhaust.
混合+ + eliminates pumping losses during coast and overrun conditions. Because air doesn’t get pumped into the exhaust during deactivation, 混合+ +还显著减少了净化催化剂产生的有害排放
CO2 减少
森林舞会游戏’s research findings on 动态跳跃火灾
for Hybrid Powertrains
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DSF and 48V mild-hybrid synergies enable better fuel economy at lower cost
eDSF将汽缸停用与车辆电气化协同结合,以增加DSF的工作范围. By countering engine torque with motor torque at appropriate fires and skips, eDSF enables smoother operation and expansion of the DSF fly zone.
eDSF™ in real world situations
During highway cruising, 电动机的扭矩补充了发动机,使其能够在更少的气缸上点火
At low to medium loads, 由于扭矩平滑和扭矩辅助,扩大了操作范围,使eDSF能够平稳高效地运行.
Electrification enables smoother torque
DSF operating range is increased
The combination of torque assist into DSF, 增加的再生能力和扭矩平滑使eDSF能够提供超过DSF和轻度Hybrid单独提供的增益. eDSF is truly a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.
Advanced 技术
DSF与多种先进的发动机和车辆技术协同工作,如米勒循环和阿特金森循环发动机, 压缩天然气和其他替代燃料,以及联网和自动驾驶汽车.
Advanced Combustion
Miller-cycle engines hold fuel economy promise, but on a stand-alone basis are limited by efficiency-performance trade-offs
在独立的基础上,mDSF将米勒循环发动机的燃油效率提高了一倍以上, while lowering the cost per percent improvement.
mDSF将DSF与米勒循环发动机相结合,进一步增加了每个气缸的高火力点火选择, 在不牺牲驾驶性能的情况下,低燃烧和跳跃匹配扭矩需求.
CO2 减少
noise, vibration, harshness
森林舞会游戏’s research and development publications on
advanced applications using DSF®
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Only a few years ago, self-driving cars were considered science-fiction
Today, autonomous cars are a rapidly evolving technology. 这些车辆被设计为彼此之间以及与云基础设施之间的无线连接, providing the engine controller actionable 信息rmation about vehicle position, 交通, 地形, 障碍, 交通 light changes, 和更多的.
How DSF works in tandem with 自治
图中的蓝色曲线说明了一个典型的快速加速驾驶循环, 经济放缓, 制动和停止. 橙色曲线代表的是能够预测交通信号和其他障碍物的自动驾驶汽车.
aDSF不仅优化了自动驾驶循环,还优化了驾驶循环本身,从而显著提高了燃油效率. 此外, autonomous cars can be fully unoccupied at various times, unconstrained by noise, vibration and harshness issues, leading to further aDSF efficiency benefits.
CO2 减少
森林舞会游戏’s research and development publications on
advanced applications using 自治
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森林舞会游戏的DSF控制策略可以应用于使用替代燃料的发动机, both improving powertrain efficiency and reducing harmful 排放
根据U.S. Energy Information Administration, 在交通运输领域,替代燃料的增长速度预计将远远快于石油. With DSF for gasoline, Diesel, and alternative fuels, plus DMD technology for electric vehicles, 森林舞会游戏准备在未来几十年进一步改善排放和成本效益.